We had such a fun Easter! For the first time, we had both of our famalies over for a BBQ. Emma loved opening up her baskets and playing with Chloe and Ciana all day! We had an egg hunt, but Chloe was the only one who looked for eggs (she ended up with about 40 of them!) It was so nice being able to share the holiday with our famalies at our house and finally having enough space to have everyone over!
putting on Emma's Easter dress

Opening up Easter baskets
Ooooo....an egg!
Playing in her playroom
Trying to get a picture of all 3 girls together

Trying to get a nice family picture
At least we got one!

The Easter Bunny brought Emma a new stroller for her doll! She loved it and was so excited to play with it. Here's a video of her trying to "walk"
And last but not least, we took Emma last week to have her picture taken with the Easter bunny....that didn't go over so well. She burst into tears the second we put her on the bunnys lap :( We managed to get a picture where there wasn't tears running everywhere though!